The Prayer of Two Children
One unique thing about our safe house is that we accept mothers and their children. One of the precious families in our safe house is a mother and her six children. Before entering our home, one of her daughters was removed from her house due to the abuse, and placed in an orphanage. Because this mother sought refuge in our safe house, we were able to pursue reuniting this mom and her daughter immediately.
This mother, her children, and our staff entered the courthouse together. It was there they met up with the little girl. Our social worker began talking to the girl and told her they had been praying for her. This little girl looked at her a little bit inquisitive and said “Well, in the orphanage that I’ve been at, the people there have taught me that I can pray to God and ask him for anything. I asked him to be able to be back with my family again.” Then this girl’s brother (who is extremely bashful) speaks up and says “That’s what I’ve been asking for!”
“Well, in the orphanage that I’ve been at, the people there have taught me that I can pray to God and ask him for anything. I asked him to be able to be back with my family again.”
We cannot get over what joy it brings our hearts when we hear and see faith and belief in God grow in big and little ones’ hearts and lives.
While they were talking and waiting to hear the ruling, we received word that the judge was not going to allow the girl to come back to her mother. We were devastated. We knew that this was what the family needed, to be together and heal together.
We immediately began to pray. During this time we had a team from the US on the ground in Guatemala, and they began to pray too. The house, our staff, and the missions team all were praying and pleading with the Lord to intervene and change the judge’s ruling.
Our director and social worker went to battle on this mother’s behalf along with the prayers and power of God. They presented their case, assuring him of the safety and security of our home and the holistic care each mother and child receives while in our care. After much deliberation, the judge came back and said okay, she can be reunited with the family and come to our safe house at DFM!
There was so much rejoicing and praising God for answered prayer! Our driver spoke about how the mom and all her children were just so happy and singing songs together as they were driving back to the house.
What joy for those two little ones to see how God answered their prayer! What joy to see God change the hearts of the judges from the prayers of the staff and missions team! What joy to see this little girl be reunited with her family once again. We have a big God who cares deeply for our prayers, no matter how big or how small.