Establishing Safe Houses and Women’s Training Centers to give women a safe place to find restoration and healing.
Why Guatemala?
Over 160 women were killed in the first 4 months of 2021 (the average is over 1 per day).
Over 20,000 complaints of violence are reported annually.
Guatemala is #3 in the world for murder against women.
There are 10,000 registered rapes every year, and many more are unreported.
Hear the story of how God provided our first safe house.
Safe Houses
Our safe houses are a lifeline for women survivors.
It is a place where they can have their basic needs taken care of and stay for a short time until they find a safe place to live. But there is so much more at our safe house. A DFM safe house provides support services such as counseling, trauma-informed care, and assistance with access to legal and medical help. We also walk women through a Bible-based curriculum so they can come to know the Lord and grow spiritually. They receive education and skills training so they can support and protect their families.
counseling, trauma-informed care, discipleship, legal and medical help, education, job skills training.
Women’s Training Centers
Women's training centers are vital as we seek to impact the country of Guatemala one town at a time. These centers operate in villages and communities where the needs of women are high.
Each center provides spiritual and physical care, which are the foundations necessary to grow strong. Education breaks generations of demoralizing and back-breaking poverty. And emotional care responds to the crushing weight of trauma. WTCs enable women to provide for themselves and their children in a way that brings dignity and worth.
hope and restoration

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You’ve never taken a mission trip like this one. Come see and be part of what God is doing in Guatemala.
Check out our upcoming mission trips here.