Kindred Friendships

As I was grabbing my cute valentine coffee mug from my cupboard for this season of love to bring into the office, a flood of the sweetest memories came rushing in. 

I’ve always said, “Don’t you love it when you receive a bouquet of flowers from your friend on a random day, with no reason or occasion? Isn’t it fun to go get your dear friend her favorite coffee just because?”  There is something extra special about these kinds of gifts, these little moments.  They mean so much. Friendships are a treasure.

It was one Wed night while I was at my small group gathering.  I was sharing that I would not be there for some time as I would be traveling out west to help my mom as she took care of my dear step dad.  My small group prayed for me, they gave me big deep hugs, and we said our long good-byes. Then I heard a little giggling in the kitchen.  Two of the gals were up to something.  They were both coming towards me with a mug.

In hearing about my leaving, my dear friend, whose home we were at, felt compelled to send me out with ‘something’ to take with me as kind of a remembrance of them all as a group.  Something to encourage me of their love and prayers.

She raced to her kitchen, opened her cabinets and hunted.  She looked among her own things for something to gift me…THAT is beautiful.

She found it!  A beautiful pottery mug with the inscription “Love”.  However there was one slight problem… another gal in our group had gifted it to her.  She ran to her friend asking if it would be ok to give away…to me.

They began to laugh; beautiful laughter because of what it all represented. A representation of a continuation of giving. It became a ‘send off gift’ from the both of them; from the first giver of the mug and the second giver.

My friend handed the mug to me and told the story. She apologized to me that it wasn’t brand new, but used.  But that personal gesture is what made it so much more special to me. It was the best kind of gift, a different kind of sacrifice from both of them.

As I sip my coffee in the office from my valentine mug, it is a continual reminder of kindred friendships. Love is not self-seeking. Everything about the story behind this mug represents that in the simplest form. Pulling from your own treasures, giving sacrificial gifts, offering generous love to a friend in a moments notice… it all magnifies the greater Giver, Jesus Christ, and His grand and lavish love towards us.

Kelly Wilking Webb

Missions Specialist


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