Celebrating Growth & Development
I am thrilled to share the exciting developments within our team in Guatemala, as their growth in various aspects generates much anticipation for the upcoming opening of our safe house.
Our Guatemalan Staff completing their Trauma Training
In preparation for the opening, we have hired all of the staff necessary to care for the women and children who will enter. We have a psychologist, social worker, and several caregivers who have recently joined us. They, along with the staff who has been with us for awhile now, have given us a team of 13. The spirit of team and unity is quickly noticeable and we are beyond excited to see what God does through them.
The entire team has undergone training in multiple areas. They started with basic first aid and CPR. A few of the staff received training to begin an education program allowing women to pursue and complete a government-recognized equivalent of a GED. Everyone has also completed trauma-informed care training. I am so impressed with their desire to learn and grow in these areas that will help them excel in their prospective positions.
“While the professional growth and training is remarkable, what has been most encouraging is the spiritual growth I am witnessing first hand. ”
One team member shares her testimony with different teams from the U.S. when they come to visit. This gives an example for her students to follow and is always a blessing to our visitors. Over the past year, I have witnessed her growing stronger in her faith, becoming more confident in her role as a teacher/trainer, and increasingly grounded in her identity in Christ.
Our discipleship leader has had her own share of struggles in the past and has lacked confidence in whether or not she is making a difference. A student recently shared with our director how this leader has been such a blessing and encouragement to her personally. She said, “Every time I come to the workshop, she always has just the right thing to say to me and gives me the perfect verse. She has shown me Jesus time after time and this has helped me to believe I can keep moving forward in my crisis.”
A foundational principle we instill in our staff is that God is our provider. This truth became resoundingly evident in the past month as three different staff members faced significant needs. One woman has some unique eye issues that require glasses that are more expensive than usual. Another needed the finances to pay for two of her children to continue in school. Yet another was having to leave the property where her and her family were living and did not have the money for a down payment on new property. All of these needs were met through God’s provision and we celebrated! The confidence this has given the team to continue asking God and expectantly waiting for his answer has been remarkable.
Every visit to Guatemala reveals more growth within the team, and I am overwhelmed by the goodness of God. Join us in prayer for the ongoing spiritual growth of our team, with the hope that it will overflow onto those we serve. To God be the glory!