What Everyone Wants from Us

Oprah Winfrey was the queen of the interview for many years on her show. People from all walks of life sat down with her to talk about their work, their lives, and their dreams. According to an article in Inc. magazine, Oprah conducted over 37,000 interviews, and in these interviews, she learned what people value.

Oprah said: Everybody that I had on the show, at the end of the show, would (whisper) something to me like, “Was that OK? Was that OK?”

She went on,

Every (encounter that you have), the person just wants to know, “Did you hear me…did you see me…and did I say anything that mattered?”

The bottom line is that we all want to feel as if we matter.

I spent some time thinking about Oprah’s conclusions, and I believe she is right. No matter where I travel, regardless of how remote or how desolate, the women I meet want to know that their lives matter. I think that God has put something in the heart of mankind that longs for our lives to make a difference in the world in which we live.

The Apostle Paul put it this way, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith (2 Timothy 4:7). Paul longed for his life to matter, and at the end of his life, he penned these words as a proclamation that he had given it his all.

So, how can I live a life that that impacts others?

People long to be heard — so listen.

James encouraged us to be quick to hear and slow to speak (James 1:19). There is an art to listening, and it’s important for us to show others how much we

value them by listening to what they have to say. Pay attention the next time you run into an old friend or hang out with your friends and family — do you listen or talk more? Do you really hear what they are saying to you?

People long to be seen — so look.

The four gospels give us a 360-degree look at the life of Jesus while he walked this earth. Over and over, we see him stopping and noticing those who are hurting and in need of his special touch. He saw Zacchaeus in the tree, the woman at the well, the lame man by the pool, and so many others.

If we want people to know they matter, we need to focus our attention on them and let them know how important they are to us. It may be in simple ways, but it will mean a lot to those we are connecting with. Practice putting your phone away and engaging with others.

Take some time today and start with your friends and family. Be intentional about looking and listening to them today.Notice the difference it makes to them and you.

Reba Bowman

Founder & CEO of Dare for More Ministries


Ministry Update 2/24


Slow Down, Look Around